A very warm and friendly welcome to the website of the Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan for the Province of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.
Our Order, which was formally constituted in 1887, is non-denominational and is open to every Freemason who is a Master Mason in a Regular Craft Lodge under the Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England. Our rituals and ceremonies provide a profound understanding of the principles of brotherly love and the practice of that morality to the highest level by every Brother of the Order. We are a caring order and our Province is a very happy one. If you enjoy membership of the Craft then you will enjoy becoming a member of our Order.
The following pages in this website will give you an insight into our Order but you will only fully appreciate the friendliness, support and happiness, which radiates from our gatherings by actually joining us. If you are interested in doing so, or require further information, then you have only to communicate with one of the Conclave Secretaries (whose particulars are shown in the list of Conclaves in the Province) or contact the Provincial Grand Recorder, Wy.Bro. Mike Gerschel, by telephone on 07968 725822 or by email to provgrec@osmbch.org.uk.
I hope that you enjoy surfing this website.
With warm, friendly, fraternal and sincere greetings,
R.Wy.Bro. Howard S Markham
Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler